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Features of Point-of-Sale



  • Summary Information

  • Shortcut Report

  • Notification

Product / Service Line Management

  • Items

  • Item Kits (Combo items)

  • Units

  • Attributes

  • Modify

  • Categories

  • Tags

  • Manufactures


Inventory Management

  • Count Stock

  • Stock Adjustment

  • Damage Stock

  • Reorder & Replenish Stock

  • Alert Stock

  • Print Stock

  • Expiration Stock

  • Excel Import/Export Inventory

Purchase/Receive Management

  • Suppliers

  • Purchase Order

  • Purchased

  • Purchase Return


Sale Management

  • Customers

  • Quotation

  • Sale Order

  • Invoicing

  • Sale Return

Report (40+)

  • Graphic Report

  • Summary Report

  • Detail Report


Employee Management

  • Permission

  • Commissions

  • Discount level

  • Time Clock

Loyalty Program

  • Discount for Second purchase

  • Point Saving

  • Price Levels

  • E-Wallets


Promotion / Marketing Program

  • Coupons

  • Promotion Price

  • Discount base on QTY

  • Buy One get One

  • Discount on second item

  • Discount base on amount spent

  • Gift Cards

Expense Management

  • Multi Head Dimensions Expense

  • Memo Note

  • Multi Reference Document


Gift Card (E-Card)

  • Voucher

  • E-Wallet

  • Gift Card

Delivery Management

  • In-Store Pickup

  • Delivery


Customers Management

  • Points

  • Price Levels

  • Selling price history

  • Credit limit

  • Store Account (Account Receivable)

Suppliers Management

  • Cost price history

  • Store Account ( Account Payable)


The company was founded in 2017 and has since grown dramatically. We are a company based in #11E, St.371, Stueng Mean Chey, Phnum Penh of Cambodia. We provide many kinds of services and products to many type of business on part of software solutions, digital sales, digital marketing, and hardwares.